scenic spot、tourist attractions、places of tourist attraction、 tourist spot、
For instance, if I was planning a trip and was researching hotels and tourist attractions at the same time, I could clip the hotel data into one book and store the touristy information in the other.
Furthermore, my sightseeing schedule was unaffected by hotel check-in and check-out times; I could carry my little b*** to museums and tourist sites, and stash it in a locker when need be.
In the scenic spots, it is common that even the uneducated people can make a living simply by selling souvenirs, local specialties and so on, which relieves the pressure of local ***.
Tourist attractions which pull in millions of foreign visitors.
Tr***el A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same.
FARE是一个英语词汇,主要意思是“费用”或“票价”。具体来说,FARE通常表示定价或收费,可以用于公共交通、旅游、餐饮等领域。例如,我们可以说“the bus fare to the airport is $10”,表示从市区乘坐公交车到机场需要支付10美元的费用。
此外,FARE也可以表示特定的菜单或食品价格。例如,在餐厅里,我们可以使用“menu fare”来描述不同菜品的价格。
在旅游中,我们也可以使用“PACK***E FARE”来表示一项旅游套餐的费用。总的来说,FARE是一个广泛使用的词汇,用来描述各种不同的费用和票价,是英语中非常重要的一个词汇。